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Il patrimonio naturale della Riserva dello Zingaro

The natural treasure of Reserve of Zingaro

The Zingaro Oriented Nature Reserve is located between the municipality of Castellammare del Golfo and San Vito Lo Capo, in the province of Trapani. It was officially declared the first protected natural area in 1981 following a request by the Azienda Foreste Demaniali of the Sicilian Region.

The coastline of the reserve, which extends for a total of 7 km, is one of the few coastal stretches in Sicily that is not contaminated by the presence of a coastal road. The particularity of the coast is the presence of limestone relief of a dolomitic nature with cliffs that reach a height of 913 m.

The vegetation is certainly rare and unique for the area in which it is found, including: dicotyledons; numerous species of lichens and mosses; 27 species of mushrooms; cyclamens; ferns. There are also fragments of cork oak forests, evidence of a forest formation that has now almost completely disappeared in Sicily.

Typical elements of the Mediterranean maquis include::

  • the dwarf palm (which can reach up to 2 metres in height);
  • the broom;
  • the carob tree;
  • the almond tree;
  • the laurel;
  • the grapevine;
  • 25 species of wild orchids, some unique to Sicily.

As for fauna, several bird species stand out, including the peregrine falcon and the rare Bonelli’s eagle. Other species include the fox, hedgehog, porcupine and viper.
Special attention must be paid to the coastal marine fauna, where there is a biostructure very similar to coral reefs. It has the characteristic of changing the appearance of the rocky coastline, stimulating the biodiversity of species.

The Zingaro reserve has seven coves that open up suddenly on the rocky coastline along its 7 km length. They can be reached on foot, with five possible routes, or by boat by hiring a boat or dinghy.

Each cove is distinguished from the others by its own particularities:

  • Capreria is the first cove near the southern entrance, characterised by its blue water and rocks; the nature museum is located nearby.
  • Tonnarella dell’Uzzo is the largest beach in the reserve and very close to the North entrance.
  • Dell’Uzzo è la caletta più vicina all’ingresso Nord, piccola e con ghiaia bianca, il mare qui assume un colore verde smeraldo, e non può mancare una visita alla vicina grotta dell’Uzzo.
  • Marinella is very small and has a wild shape, so there is no beach but only rocks, and is very popular with snorkelling enthusiasts.
  • Berretta has a very small pebble beach.
  • Della Disa consists of two inlets divided by rocks, the water is shallow and always crystal clear.
  • Del Varo can only be reached by sea, so it is advisable to organise a boat trip.

There are not only coves in the reserve, but also sea and land caves can be visited under the guidance of experienced speleologists. A distinction is made between a mountainous area with the highest peaks, a hilly area and a coastal area lapped by the sea.

The rocks in these caves are dolomitic, carbonate, but also Jurassic, and take on different shapes, making it possible to distinguish between horizontal caves, sea caves and underwater caves, which can only be reached by certified divers.

Several caves can be reached from each cove. Among the most visited caves:

  • the grotta del Sughero (Cork Cave) is the largest and has stalactites and stalagmites, but also water with several small lakes;
  • the grotta dell’Uzzo, which is interesting from an archaeological point of view.

Among the various activities and excursions to do in this beautiful reserve are:

  • boat excursions or boat or dinghy hire that will take you between one cove and another;
  • snorkelling, to admire the special marine environment;
  • mermainding, an aquatic discipline that reproduces the swimming of mermaids.

Therefore, the Zingaro nature reserve is certainly a magical and unique place, a true natural paradise in Sicily.
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