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La riserva naturale di Capo Zafferano e il suo faro

The evocative natural reserve of Capo Zafferano and its lighthouse

Capo Zafferano is a little promontory that juts out into the Tyrrhenian Sea, it belongs to the district of Santa Flavia, in the province of Palermo. The word “zafferano” (saffron) comes from the Arabian “za’farān” with the meaning of yellow, just like the saffron used as spice.

The promontory would turn out to be an offshoot of Palermo Mountains, and has been declared a Site of Community Interest (S.C.I.) in order to manage to preserve its natural habitat biodiversity.

Indeed, about the flora, along the coastal area some particular species of plants typical of the Sicilian coastal territory stand out, such as Boccone’s limonium and the sea fennel; in the sublittoral area, on the other hand, there are species belonging to the Mediterranean scrub, such as mastic and tree euphorbia. This suggest us that this is a special ecosystem in the Mediterranean.

The fauna is represented by particular species of mollusks, also typical of Sicilian territory. Along the coast some caves open where in the past the remains of an extinct species of elephants and other elements dating back to the Upper Paleolithic were found.

The lighthouse

Around 1880, at 34 m a.s.l., a lighthouse has been built, today also known as the Lighthouse of Capo Zafferano, you can reach it through a very narrow and winding road. The lighthouse, after being military garrison during the two world wars, today it’s a signalizer, really important for navigation along this stretch of coast.

From the lighthouse you can see a breath-taking view to the Tyrrhenian Sea. Indoor, unfortunately, there are some disfigurements but you can also see some poems imprinted on the walls.

This sea is clear and crystalline, while the lighthouse that dominates the promontory from above makes the place very evocative. However, to reach it you have to work a little, crossing a forest of buildings and villas in the midst of nature, but then you reach an abandoned place left to the neglect of time, and for this reason it makes it fascinating and unique.

Capo Zafferano is a natural reserve and a real oasis of peace along the Tyrrhenian Sea.


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