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Mongerbino: tutte le bellezze naturali da ammirare

Mongerbino: all the natural beauties to admire and preserve

Exactly in the territory of Santa Flavia, near Bagheria (Palermo), there is a small town in relief which takes the name of Capo Mongerbino. It is characterized by beautiful beaches and landscapes as well as by a series of coves, inlets, small caves and stacks that stretch out over the Tyrrhenian sea and divide the hamlet of Aspra from the territory of Santa Flavia.

Capo Mongerbino, together with Capo Zefferano, constitutes one of the reference points, not only for the environmental value they cover in the context of the coastal landscape of the province of Palermo, but also for the importance it has assumed in the history of our territory.

Both the two promontories, in fact, have played a fundamental role for centuries in the defense of both the coastal strip settlements and in the hinterland, as well as in the protection of the city of Palermo. There is also a cylindrical watchtower there, which is evidence of the Sicilian defensive culture, an integral part of the complex system of coastal towers distributed along the entire perimeter of Sicily.

Here is one of the most beautiful beaches of the Palermo coast, it is a small inlet set between the rocks of Capo Zafferano and the seaside village of Aspra, which takes the name of “Ai Francesi ”, most likely due to the fact that in the past it was the destination of many transalpine tourists who decided to spend their holidays in our territories.

It is a beach that enchants everyone because ts Mediterranean vegetation and crystal clear water can be the envy of even the Caribbean; a small corner of paradise that must be taken care of and reserved.

Another fascinating landscape of Mongerbino is the so-called “Arco Azzurro”: a coastal shape due to the erosion of the sea which, impacting against the cliff, has eroded part of the less resistant rocks thus forming the magnificent arch.


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